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Mu’s “VERY Important 2025 Principles”

A novel activist group and forum known as “MAP Union” has published a list of “VERY Important 2025 Principles,” which they propose as a guide for activism efforts.

  1. Improving Visibility of MAPs and AAMs (Adult-Attracted Minors) in society.
    • Combat stigma and misinformation concerning these groups.
    • Promote an accuracy and evidence-based approach to correcting misconceptions. Safe/value-neutral language used to distinguish non-forced contact offenses from violent offenses that would be abusive regardless of age.
    • Hold public education campaigns.
  2. Strive for civic Equality of MAPs as a group.
    • MAPs should have access to Legal Advice and Mental Health care, free of risk, and without the chilling effect of social stigma.
    • MAPs as a group must be afforded the same protected status other communities benefit from, including freedom of association.
  3. Support the Reform of laws that unfairly target MAPs.
    • Fictional sexual content must be fully legalized.
    • Abolish the failed “sex offender” registries.
  4. Support broad-based rights for Minors and Youth, in line with their evolving capacities.
    • Opposition to ageism against young people.
    • Support moves to increase youth agency and autonomy.
    • Ensuring youth are heard at every stage of the social/political process.

While much of the principles of VERY overlaps with The Simple List, VERY goes further by advocating for youth rights, which are not fully addressed in the goals of The Simple List. As people who love youth… it only makes sense that we would support them. These are principles I can support.

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