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A Vision for the Future: How Kamala Harris’s Policies Will Benefit the Children We Love

Attorney General Kamala Harris sitting on the floor in a classroom, surrounded by children.
Attorney General Kamala Harris sitting on the floor in a classroom, surrounded by children.

I recently watched the Democratic National Convention, where Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for President, and shared her vision for the future of America. I was already a Kamala supporter, but after hearing that speech, I literally said out loud: “America and the world will be in good hands when Kamala Harris is President.” Her vision fills me with optimism and joy. And as a MAP, who cares about the well-being of children, I feel strongly that it is up to us to provide a better world for them. It only makes sense that Kamala Harris is the best choice for the children we love.

Kamala Harris’s approach to governance emphasizes inclusivity, equity, and justice, with a strong focus on the well-being of children. Her policies across various critical areas aim to create a healthier, safer, and more equitable environment for future generations. Here’s an in-depth look at her vision regarding reproductive rights, healthcare, the environment, education, gun violence, sexual assault, housing, and economic justice.

Reproductive Rights

Kamala Harris believes that access to reproductive healthcare is fundamental to women’s rights and health. She supports the codification of Roe v. Wade to protect the right to choose at the federal level, ensuring that women can make personal decisions about their bodies without state interference. Harris advocates for comprehensive reproductive health services, including contraception, maternal health care, and parental support, which ultimately contributes to healthier families. By empowering women with reproductive rights, she aims to ensure that children are born into supportive environments.

In contrast, Donald Trump was instrumental in overturning Roe v. Wade, which has allowed states to impose strict bans on reproductive healthcare, affecting the autonomy and health decisions of women and girls. These restrictions can lead to unwanted pregnancies and complications that disproportionately affect low-income families, ultimately impacting the well-being of children.


Harris is a strong proponent of expanding healthcare access for all children. Her vision includes policies that ensure every child has health insurance, emphasizing preventive care and mental health services. She supports the expansion of the Affordable Care Act, aiming to lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs. Harris also champions initiatives to improve mental health resources in schools, understanding that mental wellness is crucial for academic success and overall child development. By focusing on comprehensive healthcare, she aims to create a foundation for healthier lives.

In contrast, Trump’s approach to healthcare has focused on dismantling the Affordable Care Act, which could strip millions of families of essential health coverage. This threatens the health of children who rely on preventive care and treatment for chronic conditions, leading to long-term consequences for their development.

Environment and Climate Change

Kamala Harris prioritizes action on climate change, recognizing its disproportionate impact on children, particularly in marginalized communities. Her policies advocate for investments in renewable energy, green jobs, and sustainable infrastructure. Harris supports the Green New Deal, which aims to create millions of jobs while addressing climate change and environmental justice. She emphasizes clean air and water as essential rights for children, understanding that a healthy environment is vital for their development. Harris’s vision includes equipping future generations to tackle climate challenges head-on.

In contrast, Donald Trump’s environmental policies have often favored corporate interests over the health of the planet. Trump’s Project 2025 would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency. His rollback of environmental protections would contribute to climate change, which poses a significant threat to future generations. Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of pollution and climate-related disasters.


Education is a cornerstone of Harris’s vision for the future. She advocates for robust public education funding, ensuring that every child has access to quality education regardless of their zip code. Her policies focus on reducing class sizes, increasing teacher pay, and enhancing resources for schools in low-income areas. Harris also supports comprehensive early childhood education programs, understanding that early learning is critical for cognitive and social development. Furthermore, she emphasizes a curriculum that is inclusive and representative of diverse histories and perspectives, preparing children for a multicultural society.

In contrast, Donald Trump’s Project 2025 would eliminate the Department of Education. His plan seeks to limit discussions on critical topics, undermining a comprehensive education that prepares children for a diverse society.

Gun Violence

Harris recognizes the urgent need for gun reform to protect children from the threat of gun violence. Her policies advocate for universal background checks, banning assault weapons, and implementing red flag laws that allow for the temporary removal of firearms from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others. She supports funding for community-based violence prevention programs that address the root causes of gun violence. By prioritizing child safety, Harris aims to create secure environments where children can learn and grow without fear.

In contrast, Donald Trump has consistently opposed gun law reform, contributing to a culture where gun violence affects countless children. The impact of shootings in schools and communities has led to trauma and anxiety, hindering children’s ability to thrive.

Sexual Assault

Harris’s background as a prosecutor informs her strong advocacy for survivors of sexual assault. She supports policies that strengthen protections for survivors, including improving access to justice and resources for victims. Harris emphasizes education and prevention programs in schools to address and reduce sexual violence among youth. Her vision includes comprehensive training for law enforcement and support for community organizations that assist survivors, fostering a culture of respect and safety for all children.

In contrast, Donald Trump was convicted of sexual assault. His administration’s approach to sexual assault has often been criticized for failing to prioritize the voices and rights of survivors. This creates a culture of silence and fear, adversely affecting children and young adults.


Harris believes that stable housing is essential for child development and family well-being. She advocates for affordable housing initiatives, including increased funding for the Housing Trust Fund, which supports the construction and rehabilitation of rental homes for extremely low-income families. Harris also supports policies to address homelessness, recognizing that children experiencing homelessness face significant challenges that hinder their educational and developmental opportunities. By prioritizing housing stability, she aims to ensure that every child has a safe place to call home.

In contrast, Donald Trump’s housing policies have tended to favor wealthy developers, neglecting the needs of low-income families. Housing instability directly impacts children’s well-being, leading to stress and disruptions in education.

Economic Justice

Economic justice is a critical component of Harris’s vision for children’s futures. She advocates for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, supporting families and lifting many out of poverty. Harris also emphasizes the importance of access to quality jobs and job training programs, particularly in underserved communities. She supports initiatives that promote small businesses and entrepreneurship among marginalized groups, helping to create economic opportunities for families. By addressing economic disparities, Harris aims to create a more equitable society where all children can thrive.

In contrast, Trump’s economic policies have primarily benefited the wealthy, leaving low and middle-income families struggling. This exacerbates economic disparities that can impact children’s opportunities for education and growth.


Kamala Harris’s vision for children encompasses a wide range of policies aimed at creating a healthier, safer, and more equitable society. By prioritizing reproductive rights, healthcare access, environmental justice, quality education, gun safety, support for survivors of sexual assault, affordable housing, and economic justice, Harris aims to build a future where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Her commitment to inclusivity and justice reflects a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing today’s youth. I support and urge you to vote for Kamala Harris because her Presidency will lead to a brighter tomorrow for the children we love.

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