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Tag: Philosophy


Sometimes that’s all we can do. Love them and leave a good impression on them, so when they grow up and look back, they hold no contempt for us. If I’ve done that, then I’m successful, as bittersweet as it may be.

I made the decision to not let society define me. I know my character. I know I’m not the things society says I am. I know I didn’t choose this orientation. Once you realize that, you’ll be free.

We can’t choose our thoughts and feelings; only our actions. If you know in your mind that you wish no harm, that you have no bad intentions. If you have feelings of love and nurture, you are not a monster. If you know and accept your character, no one can take that away from you

I’ve always felt that if the world could understand us, we wouldn’t be persecuted, we wouldn’t be feared, and we could interact with the ones we’re attracted to, freely. Cause if people understood, they would have no problem with us.

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