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This Is Our Stonewall

America (and the world) is in chaos. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is under threat. Every marginalized community is facing hate, and our rights are being trampled. The progressive left are angry and fighting back. The resistance is strong. We as MAPs need to capitalize on this moment in history to fight for our rights.

As I stated in A Brainstorm Rant: we have the numbers. We have a platform and outward-facing message in The Simple List. Now in these dire times, we are called to join with progressives, LGBTQ, people of color, immigrants, and other marginalized communities to fight for our future. Now in this moment we must overcome our fear, and fight for our fellow MAPs. When future MAPs ask us what we did in this moment, what do we want to tell them?

What are you going to do? What are we going to do? It is time to assert our right to exist! This is our Stonewall!

Further reading:
Our Stonewall is Coming

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