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Category: Testimony


I learned a new term today. Korephilia is often described as the female equivalent to pederasty – women who love girls, and often have maternal/romantic feelings for them. I guess that describes me. It’s a badge I’ll wear proudly. And thus I’ve created a symbol for it. It takes inspiration from the GLogo. I callContinue readingKorephilia

Are you more romantically or sexually attracted to children? 95% Maternal/Romantic, 5% Sexual for me. Being a grey asexual, I’m just not all that into sex. I have to be deeply in love and emotionally attached to have a sexual attraction. I see many little girls, out in public, or through pics online and TVContinue reading

Re: Has a little girl ever grown up and disappointed you with what she’s become or what she believes?

Re: Has a little girl ever grown up and disappointed you with what she’s become or what she believes? This happened to me with J. She was a loving, friendly, and affection girl. I was in love with her, and hoped to one day marry her. I even got her family’s blessing when she turnedContinue readingRe: Has a little girl ever grown up and disappointed you with what she’s become or what she believes?

Re: Is encouraging non-sexual physical contact abuse? It’s just two people who who enjoy each other’s company. Nothing wrong with that. Through my body language and actions, I let Lucy know that I’m open and welcoming to affection. She reciprocates that sentiment, and we have spent hours on end cuddling. We have a bond, andContinue reading

I invited my friends over for dinner last night. They brought my little loves. We started playing music, and I was trying to get them to headbang with me. They wouldn’t do it, and it devolved into both of them tackling me and pouncing on my back, as I screamed in somewhat fake agony. (TheirContinue reading

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